Tuesday, November 10, 2009

facebook games

i've been playing facebook games since my husband bought his laptop which eventually mine now last february not people i know had facebook at that time they were more on friendster i may say i'm the one who introduced them facebook before my friend... the first game i've been addicted to is yoville.. first reason maybe because i can design my own home with the item i want expensive,vintage,ooutdoor name it they have it.. but you have to earn money to buy those item theres trading also as an option if you happen to have lots of buddylist. Before they have widget factory which you have to visit every six hours and recruit many player to get promoted the highest paid is vice president which needs 50 people. but now they have sweets factory which you already have control of your time in here you only need cook a cupcake depend on time duration it will get cook. moving on you have to be careful theres lot of scum in this game people who wants to take advantage,CAUTION no matter what happen dont give your email or password in that account.. dont believe those scammers who says that they know the creator of yoville they will help you to double youre coins and so on. unfortunately theres no hack in this game.

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